Cheap bus tickets from Tetovo to Hanover

from 100 €

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Bus stations and stops in Tetovo

Please note: your ticket will contain the most up-to-date address information.

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Frequently asked questions

You can get from Tetovo to Hanover for as little as 100,00 €. Take advantage of our best deals on FlixBus tickets by traveling off-peak and during the week. You can buy your ticket from Tetovo to Hanover most easily on this website or in the app.
The latest FlixBus ride from Tetovo to Hanover departs at 08:00.
There is one bus station in Tetovo; Tetovo bus station. You can find its location on the map on his page.
There is one bus station in Hanover; Hanover central bus station. You can find its location on the map on his page.
No, you don't need to print your ticket if you purchased it online or via the app. Simply show the driver the QR code that you received via email or that is stored in the app and you're ready to travel from Tetovo to Hanover. It's that easy!
Yes, all FlixBus buses from Tetovo to Hanover are equipped for passengers with reduced mobility. We strive to make our buses as comfortable and accessible as possible for people with disabilities and limited mobility. Service animals are allowed on board all FlixBus buses traveling from Tetovo to Hanover. The transportation of wheelchairs, foldable wheelchairs, walking aid and other assistive mobility devices is free of charge.
FlixBus buses traveling from Tetovo to Hanover offer extra legroom, private outlets, and restrooms. Most buses also provide free Wi-Fi.
The price of a children's bus ticket from Tetovo to Hanover depends on the age of the child and the time of booking. Children under the age of 15 receive a discount on the regular adult fare. At the time of booking, we calculate the cheapest price for you from all available rates and discounts. If the discounted price is lower than the child fare, the selected passengers pay the same price. Please, make sure you check our child travel and seat policy. Strollers and foldable pushchairs (width + length + height = max 240 cm) can be transported in the luggage compartment of the bus free of charge.
Passengers traveling from Tetovo to Hanover can bring one checked luggage and one piece of hand luggage for free. If you want to carry additional or special luggage, you can check all the options available on this page.
Traveling by bus from Tetovo to Hanover is one of the most environmentally-friendly options available as it reduces traffic associated emissions, and passengers can offset their carbon emissions when they travel with FlixBus by clicking the CO₂ compensation box when booking their ticket.
When traveling from Tetovo to Hanover, you can track your bus location on our Real-Time Bus Tracker. Just select the relevant bus stop and check the time of arrival. Find out where your bus is and check if there are delays on the route.
The bus route from Tetovo to Hanover covers 2141 km. FlixBus can bring you from Tetovo to Hanover in 34 hours. The fastest bus on this connection has 6 stop(s).
We offer several payment methods for purchasing your ticket from Tetovo to Hanover securely. You can choose among card payment, PayPal, Google Pay and many more. Once in the payment section, you will be able to see all the available options and pick your preferred one. If you are having difficulties with payment, check out our help page about payments. If you buy your bus ticket onboard or at a sales point you are also given the option to pay cash.
The earliest FlixBus ride from Tetovo to Hanover departs at 08:00.

Looking for bus tickets from Tetovo to Hanover?

Look no further, we’ve got all the details you need to plan your bus trip! The journey Tetovo to Hanover takes as little as 34 hours and can cost as little as 100,00 €. The first bus leaves at 08:00. FlixBus runs daily rides between Tetovo and Hanover and when travelling with FlixBus, you can expect free Wifi, power sockets and a guaranteed seat for your journey.

Onboard services are subject to availability